The LAN is considered DHCP powered and the TP-Link is OpenWRT powered.
This configuration is for two tagged VLANs to isolate two SSIDs.
--- 8< --- /etc/config/network ... config interface 'lan' option ifname 'eth0' option proto 'dhcp' option hostname 'tp-link-coworkers' config interface 'vlan101' option type 'bridge' option _orig_ifname 'eth0.101' option _orig_bridge 'true' option proto 'dhcp' option ifname 'eth0.101' config interface 'vlan102' option type 'bridge' option _orig_ifname 'eth0.102' option _orig_bridge 'true' option proto 'dhcp' option ifname 'eth0.102' ... --- >8 ---
--- 8< --- /etc/config/wireless ... config wifi-iface option device 'radio0' option mode 'ap' option ssid 'La Bo[a]te Coworkers' option encryption 'psk2' option key 'xx' option network 'vlan101' config wifi-iface option device 'radio0' option mode 'ap' option ssid 'La Bo[a]te Public' option encryption 'psk2' option key 'xx' option network 'vlan102' ... --- >8 ---